Excerpts from the Code of Regulations (CFR) - 29 CFR 1910.XXX

The United States Federal Government has legislated an extensive system of guidelines designed to keep its citizens safe and healthy at work. These guidelines are the basis for the product selection in our catalog. Our mission is to enable customers to comply with federal regulations most efficiently by offering a wide selection of the most popular safety products at competitive prices. The governing body known as OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The following are OSHA regulations that pertain to products in this website.

Eye and Face Protection: 29 CFR 1910.133

The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or potentially injurious light radiation. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses eye protection that provides side protection when there is a hazard from flying objects. Detachable side protectors (e.g. clip-on or slide-on side shields) meeting the pertinent requirements of this section are acceptable. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee who wears prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards wears eye protection that incorporates the prescription in its design, or wears eye protection that can be worn over the prescription lenses without disturbing the proper position of the prescription lenses or the protective lenses. Eye and face PPE shall be distinctly marked to facilitate identification of the manufacturer. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses equipment with filter lenses that have a shade number appropriate for the work being performed for protection from injurious light radiation. As a rule of thumb, start with a shade that is too dark to see the weld zone. Then go to a lighter shade which gives sufficient view of the weld zone without going below the minimum. Shade values apply where the actual arc is clearly seen. Experience has shown that lighter filters may be used when the arc is hidden by the workpiece. Protective eye and face devices purchased after July 5, 1994 shall comply with ANSI 287.1-1989, "American National Standard Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection."

Head Protection: 29 CFR 1910.135 

The employer shall ensure that each affected employee wears a protective helmet when working in areas where there is a potential for injury to the head from falling objects. The employer shall ensure that a protective helmet designed to reduce electrical shock hazard is worn by each such affected employee when near exposed electrical conductors which could contact the head. Head protection must comply with ANSl Z89.1-1997, 2003, 2009, "American National Standards for Industrial Head Protection".

Occupational Noise Exposure: 29 CFR 1910.95

Protection against the effects of noise exposure shall be provided when the sound levels exceed those shown in Table G-16 when measured on the A scale of a standard sound level meter at slow response. When employees are subjected to sound exceeding those listed in Table G-16, feasible administrative or engineering controls shall be utilized. If such controls fail to reduce sound levels within the levels of Table G-16, personal protective equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound levels within the levels of the table. If the variations in noise level involve maxima at intervals of one second or less, it is to be considered continuous. Employers shall make hearing protectors available to all employees exposed to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or greater at no cost to the employees. Hearing protectors shall be replaced as necessary.

Respiratory Protection in General Industry: 29 CFR 1910.134

In the control of those occupational diseases caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays, or vapors, the primary objective shall be to prevent atmospheric contamination. This shall be accomplished as far as feasible by accepted engineering control measures (for example, enclosure or confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation, and substitution of less toxic materials). When effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted, appropriate respirators shall be used. Respirators shall be provided by the employer when such equipment is necessary to protect the health of the employee. The employer shall provide the respirators which are applicable and suitable for the purpose intended. The employer shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a respiratory protection program with required worksite-specific procedures and elements for required respirator use. The program must be administered by a suitably trained program administrator. In addition, certain program elements may be required for voluntary use to prevent potential hazards associated with the use of the respirator. The program shall be updated as necessary to reflect those changes in workplace conditions that affect respirator use.


Hand Protection: 29 CFR 1910.138

Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate hand protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns; thermal bums; and harmful temperature extremes. Employers shall base the selection of the appropriate hand protection on an evaluation of the performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the task(s) to be performed, conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards identified.

Occupational Foot Protection: 29 CFR 1910.136

The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, and where such employee's feet are exposed to electricai hazards. Protective footwear shall comply with ANSI Z41-1991, 1999, ASTM F-2412-2005, ASTM F-2413-2005, "American National Standard for Personal Protection-Protective Footwear."

Patient Examination Gloves: FDA 21 CFR 880.6250

A patient examination glove is a disposable device intended for medical purposes that is worn on the examiner's hand or finger to prevent contamination between patient and examiner. Classified Class 1 (general controls).

Good Practice in Handling, Packing, or Holding Human Food: FDA 21 CFR 110.10

The plant management shall take all reasonable measures and precautions to ensure the cleanliness of all persons working in dirert contact with food, food-contact surfaces, and food-packaging materials. They shall conform to hygienic practices while on duty to the extent necessary to protect against contamination of food. The methods for maintaining cleanliness include, but are not limited to:

  1. Wearing outer garments suitable to the operation in a manner that protects against the contamination of food, food-contact surfaces, or food-packaging materials
  2. Maintaining adequate personal cleanliness 
  3. Washing hands thoroughly (and sanitizing if necessary to protect against contamination with undesirable microorganisms) in an adequate hand-washing facility before starting work, afrer each absence from the workstation, and at any other time when the hands may have become contaminated 
  4. Removing all unsecured jewelry and other objects that might fall into food, equipment, or containers, and removing hand jewelry that cannot be adequately sanitized during periods in which food is manipulated by hand. If such hand jewelry cannot be rernoved, it may be covered by material which can be maintained in an intact, clean, and sanitaty condition and which effectively protects against the contamination by these objects of the food, food-contact surfaces, or packaging materials
  5. Maintaining gloves, if they are used in food handling, in an intact, clean, and sanitary condition. The gloves should be of an impermeable material
  6. Wearing, where appropriate, in an effective manner, hairnets, headbands, caps, beard covers, or other effective hair restraints
  7. Storing clothing or other personal belonging in areas other than where food is exposed or where equipment is washed
  8. Confining the following to areas other than where food may be exposed or when equipment or utensils are washed: eating food, chewing gum, drinking bevercge or using tobacco 
  9. Taking any other necessary precautions to protect against contamination of food, food-contact surfaces, or food-packaging materials with microorganisms or foreign substances including, but not limited to, perspiration, hair, cosmetics, tobacco, chemicals, and medicines applied to the skin. Personnel responsible for identifying sanitatior failures or food contamination should have a background of education or experience, or a combination thereof, to provide a level of competency necessary for production of clean and safe food. Food handlers and supervisors should receive appropriate training in proper food handling techniques and food-protection principles and should be informed of the danger poor personal hygiene and unsanitary practices.

Protective Clothing: 29 CFR 1910.120 App B

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be selected which will protect employees from the specific hazards, which they are liekly to encounter during their work on-site. Selection of the appropriate PPE is complex process, which should take into consideration a variety of factors. Key factors involved in this process are identification of the hazards, or suspected hazards; their routes of potential hazard to employees (inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, and eye or skin contact); and the performance of the PPE materials (and seams) in providing a barrier to these hazards. The amount of protection provided by PPE is material-hazard specific. That is, protective equipment materials will protect well against some hazardous substances and poorly, or not at all, against others. In many instances, protective equipment materials cannot be found which will provide continuous protection from the particular hazardous substance. In these cases the breakthrough time of the protective material should exceed the work duration. Other factors in this selection process to be considered are matching the PPE to the employee's work requirements and task-specific conditions. The durability of PPE materials, such as tear strength and seam strength, should be considered in relation to the employee's tasks. The effects of PPE in relation to heat stress and task duration are a factor in selecting and using PPE. In some cases layers of PPE may be necessary to provide sufficient protection, or to protect expensive PPE inner garments, suits or equipment. PPE is divided into four categories based on the degree of protection afforded.

Level A -To be selected when:

  1. The hazardous substance has been been identified and requires the highest level of protection for skin, eyes, and the respiratory system based on either the measured (or potential for) high concentration of atmopheric vapors, gases, or particulates; or the site operations and work function involve a high potential for splash, immersion, or exposure to unexpected vapors, gases, or particulates of materials that are harmful to skin or capable of being absorbed through the skin,
  2. Substances with a high degree of hazard to the skin are known or suspected to be present, and skin contact is possible; or
  3. Operations must be conducted in confined, poorly ventilated areas, and the absence of conditions requiring Level A have not yet been determined.

The following constitute Level A equipment:
  1. Positive pressure, full face-piece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure supplied air respirator with escape SCBA, approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  2. Totally-encapsulating chemical-protective suit
  3. Coveralls*
  4. Long underwear*
  5. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant
  6. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant
  7. Boots, chem-resistant, steel toe and shank
  8. Hard hat (under suit)*
  9. Disposable protective suit, gloves and boots (depending on suit construction, may be worn over totally-encapsulating suit)

Level B -Use when:
  1. The type and atmospheric concentration of substances have been identified and require a high level of respiratory protection, but less skin protection.
  2. The atmosphere contains less than 19.5 percent oxygen;
  3. The presence of incompletely identified vapors or gases is indicated by a direct-reading organic vapor detection instrument, but vapors and gases are not suspected of containing high levels of chemicals harmful to skin or capable of being absorbed through the skin.

Note: This involves atmospheres with IDLH concentrations of specific substances that present severe inhalation hazards and that do not represent a severe skin hazard; or that do not meet the criteria for use of air-purifying respirators.

The following constitute Level B equipment:
  1. Positive pressure, full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure supplied air respirator with escape SCBA (NIOSH approved)
  2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing (overalls and long-sleeved jacket; coveralls; one or two-piece chemical-splash suit; disposable chemical-resistant overalls)
  3. Coveralls*
  4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant
  5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant
  6. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant steel toe and shank
  7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant (disposable)*
  8. Hard hat*
  9. Face shield*
Level C - Should be used when:


  1. The atmospheric contaminants, liquid splashes, or other direct contact will not adversely affect or be absorbed through any exposed skin;
  2. The types of air contaminants have been identified, concentrations measured, and an air-purifying respirator is available that can remove the contaminants; and
  3. All criteria for the use of air-purifying respirators are met.

The following constitute Level C equipment:

  1. Full-face or half-mask, air purifying respirators (NIOSH approved)
  2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing (overalls; two-piece chemical-splash suit disposable chemical-resistant overalls)
  3. Coveralls*
  4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant
  5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant
  6. Boots (outer) chemical-resistant ST and shank*
  7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant (disposable)*
  8. Hard hat*
  9. Escape mask*
  10. Face shield*

Level D - A work uniform affording minimal protection: for nuisance contamination only.
  1. The atmosphere contains no known hazard; and
  2. Work functions preclude splashes, immersion, or the potential for unexpected inhalation of or contact with hazardous levels of any chemicals

Level D equipment:


  1. Coveralls
  2. Gloves*
  3. Boots/shoes, chem-resistant ST and shank
  4. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant (disposable)*
  5. Safety glasses or chemical splash goggles*
  6. Hard hat*
  7. Escape mask*
  8. Face shield*

*Optional, as applicable. As an aid in selecting suitable chemical protective clothing, it should be noted that the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed standards on chemical protective clothing. The standards that have been adopted include: NFPA 1991 - Standard on Vapor-Protective SUits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies (EPA Level A Protective Clothing) NFPA 1992 - Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies (EPA Level B Protective Clothing) NFPA 1993 - Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Suit for Non-emergency, Non-flammable Hazard Chemical Situation (EPA Level B Protective Clothing) These standards apply documentation and performance requirements to the manufacture of the chemical protective suits. Chemical protective suits meeting these requirements are labeled as complaint with appropriate standard.

Bloodborne Pathogens: 29 CFR 1910.1030

OSHA defines bloodborne pathogens as pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. Those pathogens that fall into this classification include, but are not limited to: hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is important to note that hazardous biological agents such as bloodborne pathogens have the ability to replicate. Therefore, there is no safe level defined for a bloodborne pathogen, in contrast to hazardous chemical agents in the workplace. Universal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible, all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials. Employers shall provide handwashing facilities which are readily accessible to employees. When provision of handwashing facilities is not feasible, the employer shall provide either an appropriate antiseptic hand cleanser in conjunction with clean cloth/paper towels or antiseptic towelettes. When antiseptic hand cleansers or towelettes are used, hands shall be washed with soap and running water as soon as feasible. Employers shall ensure that employees wash their hands immediately or as soon as feasible after removal of gloves or other personal protective equipment. Contaminated needles and other contaminated sharps shall not be bent, recapped, or removed. Immediately or as soon as possible after use, contaminated sharps shall be placed in appropriate containers that shall be puncture resistant, labeled or color-coded in accordance with this standard, leakproof, puncture-proof, and closed for storage and shipping in accordance with this standard. When there is occupational exposure, the employer shall provide, at no cost to the employee, and assure that the employee uses, appropriate personal protective equipment such as, but not limited to, gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, face shields or masks and eye protection, and mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, pocket masks, or other ventilation devices. Personal protective equipment will be considered "appropriate" only if it does not permit blood or other potentially infectious materials to pass through to or reach the employee's work clothes, street clothes, undergarments, skin, eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes under normal conditions of use and for the duration of time which the protective equipment will be used.

Medical Services and First Aid: 29 CFR 1910.151

The employer shall ensure the ready availability of medical personnel for advice and consultation on matters of plant health. In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace, which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available. Where the eye, or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use.


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