.023" Spoolarc® Easy Grind Carbon Steel MIG Wire 11 lb 12" Plastic Spool

SKU: ESA700706460H
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Regular price$132.91


Item Details:

ESAB® Spoolarc® Easy Grind is a fully deoxidized wire designed to weld over moderate levels of rust and paint as are commonly encountered in auto body repair work. Easy Grind produces welds that easily exceed the tensile requirements of ER70S class wires. The welded metal is “softer” than most commercial wires. This makes postwork grinding and cleaning easier and faster. Easy Grind is produced in small diameters and are appropriate for the low current welding machines commonly used in the body shops.


  • Industrial and General Fabrication
  • Repair and Maintenance

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Diameter .023"
Weight 11 lb
Trade Name Spoolarc® Easy Grind
Spool Diameter 12"
Package Plastic Spool

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