Bullard® Large Tychem® DuPont™ White Loose Fitting Facepiece With Narrow Profile

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Regular price$40.02


Item Details:

Bullard® Large White DuPont™ Tychem® Loose Fitting Facepiece is available to use with a CC20 series supplied air or PA20 series powered air-purifying respirator. Facepiece helps to provide comfortable, affordable and an effective protection from a wide range of respiratory hazards.


  • Soft plenum™ delivery system - the loose fitting facepiece utilizes a unique soft plenum design to deliver air to the worker’s breathing zone
  • Latex-free construction - bullard loose fitting facepieces are completely latex-free, eliminating any concern over latex sensitivities by the wearer
  • built-in suspension - the sewn-in soft suspension provides a comfortable fit to the worker’s head, while allowing for complete disposability of the facepiece.
  • Twist-lock breathing tube connection - the twist-lock breathing tube connection provides ease of use by allowing quick connection or disassembly of the breathing tube whether on or off the worker’s head
  • Wide angle lens - the bullard loose fitting facepiece features the largest lens available
  • Climate control option - when used as a cc20 series airline respirator, the loose fitting facepiece may be used with the optional climate control devices

Product Attributes:

Attributes Values
Product Type Facepiece
Size Description Large
Material Tychem®
Trade Name DuPont™

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