Custom Vest Order - CT Transit [Rush - 03/16]

SKU: MF-150220-022
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Regular price$1,568.00


Custom vest order for CT Transit

10 - ML-1507-M
35 - ML-1507-L
35 - ML-1507-XL
20 - ML-1507-2XL

1 x Set-up Fee (CT Transit - black)
100 x Printing Fee (Front of vest)

1 x Set-up Fee (Customer Service - black)
100 x Printing Fee (Back of vest)

Tax: $0.00

Shipping: $35.00

Grand total should be $1290.00, which includes all applicable taxes and shipping fees. When placing the order, please ensure that this is the only item in your cart. If this order needs to be changed, please contact the Graphics Department at to have the changes made.

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