E7018 Hobart 418 Carbon Steel Electrode

SKU: HOBS119932-089
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Diameter: 3⁄32”
Packaged: 10 lb Plastic Pack
Regular price$62.73


Hobart 418 gives you all the flexibility you need in a general-purpose, low-hydrogen, mild steel electrode. It conforms to the requirements of AWS A5.1, E7018. It also has good out-of-position welding capabilities and provides an X-ray quality deposit. And this unique electrode is ideal for tacking prior to finish welding with Fabshield self-shielded, tubular wire. That's because the construction of the Hobart 418 allows removal of all the slag from the self-shielded wire.


- Superior weld appeal
- Reliable starts and re-starts
- Low moisture absorption
- Minimal spatter
- Good wetting action
- Smooth, stable arc
- Slag detaches easily
- Compatible with Fabshield tubalur wires


- field erections, steel structures
- jobs where low-hydrogen weld metal in the tensile strength range of 70,000 psi is required
- low-alloy structurals
- low-, medium-, and high-carbon steels
- offshore rigs, power plants

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