Miller Dynasty 400 TIG Welder With 208 - 575 Input Voltage, 225 Amp Max Output, QuietPulse Noise Reduction, Auto-Line Technology, Runner Cart And Accessory Package

SKU: MIL907858001
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Regular price$22,314.60


Item Details:Latest technology - powerful, compact AC/DC inverter delivers superior arc performance with total AC arc-shaping capabilities. Auto-Line™ allows connection to any voltage or frequency in the world while using half the power of a conventional machine.


  • Intuitive Interface LCD Display Ensure proper machine setup and parameter selection with informative on-screen explanations and dynamic images.
  • AC and DC TIG Features AC TIG Features Independent amplitude/amperage control allows EP and EN amperages to be set independently to precisely control heat input to the work and electrode. Extended AC balance (30–99%) controls the amount of oxide cleaning (amperage time in EN) which is essential for high quality welds on aluminum. AC frequency (20–400 hz) controls the width of the arc cone and the force of the arc.
  • DC TIG Features Exceptionally smooth and precise arc for welding exotic materials. High-speed DC TIG pulse controls - Pulse frequency capable of pulsing 5000 pulses per second. Pulsing adds arc stability, reduces heat input and warpage and can increase travel speeds. Other parameters include peak amperage, peak time and background amperage. Learn More
  • Program Memory Allows easy naming, saving and recalling of favorite weld settings
  • Locks and Limits Provides control of the weld parameter ranges minimizing deviations from the welding procedure specifications (WPS). 
  • USB Port Provides the ability to easily update software, back-up settings and transfer saved weld programs from one unit to the next
  • Pro-Set Feature (professional settings) This feature eliminates the guesswork when setting weld parameters. Use Pro-Set when you want the speed, convenience and confidence of pre-set controls. Simply select the feature and adjust until Pro-Set appears on the display. The Pro-Set feature is available for Balance, Frequency, Pulse and DIG parameters.
  • AC Frequency Control the width of the arc cone and can improve directional control of the arc with adjustments between 50-150 Hertz. 
  • Auto-Line™ Technology For portability and reliability this inverter power supply allows for any single-phase input voltage hookup (208–600 V) with no manual linking, providing convenience in any job setting. Ideal solution for dirty or unreliable power. 
  • Stick Features Tailored arc control (DIG) allows the arc characteristics to be changed for specific applications and electrodes. Smooth running 7018 or stiffer, more penetrating 6010. Hot Start™ adaptive control provides positive arc starts without sticking.
  • QuietPulse™ Activate QuietPulse by selecting sine or triangular waveshape to reduce audible noise.
  • AC Waveforms Advance Squarewave provides a fast freezing puddle, deep penetration, and fast travel speeds. Soft Squarewave is used for a soft buttery arc with maximum puddle control and good wetting action. Sine wave is for customers that like a traditional arc. It is quiet with good wetting. Triangular wave reduces the heat input and is good on thin aluminum. It provides fast travel speeds.


  • Coolmate™ 3.5
  • 8 ft. (2.4 m) primary cord
  • Runner Cart
  • Dynasty 400


  • Precision Fabrication
  • Heavy Fabrication
  • Pipe And Tube Fabrication
  • Aerospace
  • Aluminum Ship Repair
  • Anodized Aluminum Fabrication

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Trade Name Dynasty 400
Input AC Voltage 208 V
Input AC Voltage 575 V
Process TIG (GTAW)
Process Pulsed TIG (GTAW-P)
Process Stick (SMAW)
Process Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A)
Output Current AC/DC
Phase 1 or 3 Phase
Hz 50/60 Hz
Output DC Amps Max 225 A
Output AC Amps Max 160 A