Miller Dynasty 800 TIG Welder With 208 - 600 Input Voltage, 800 Amp Max Output, QuietPulse Noise Reduction And Auto-Line Technology

SKU: MIL907859
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Regular price$32,040.51


Item Details:

The Dynasty 800 is a powerful, compact power source capable of welding up to 1" aluminum. Total arc control provides maximum productivity and weld quality while conserving energy compared to traditional welding machines.


  • Intuitive Interface LCD Display Ensure proper machine setup and parameter selection with informative on-screen explanations and dynamic images.
  • Program Memory Allows easy naming, saving and recalling of favorite weld settings
  • Locks and Limits Provides control of the weld parameter ranges minimizing deviations from the welding procedure specifications (WPS). 
  • USB Port Provides the ability to easily update software, back-up settings and transfer saved weld programs from one unit to the next
  • Pro-Set Feature (professional settings) This feature eliminates the guesswork when setting weld parameters. Use Pro-Set when you want the speed, convenience and confidence of pre-set controls. Simply select the feature and adjust until Pro-Set appears on the display. The Pro-Set feature is available for Balance, Frequency, Pulse and DIG parameters.
  • AC Frequency Control the width of the arc cone and can improve directional control of the arc with adjustments between 50-150 Hertz. 
  • Auto-Line™ Technology For portability and reliability this inverter power supply allows for any single-phase input voltage hookup (208–600 V) with no manual linking, providing convenience in any job setting. Ideal solution for dirty or unreliable power. 
  • Stick Features Tailored arc control (DIG) allows the arc characteristics to be changed for specific applications and electrodes. Smooth running 7018 or stiffer, more penetrating 6010. Hot Start™ adaptive control provides positive arc starts without sticking.
  • QuietPulse™ Activate QuietPulse by selecting sine or triangular waveshape to reduce audible noise.
  • AC Waveforms Advance Squarewave provides a fast freezing puddle, deep penetration, and fast travel speeds. Soft Squarewave is used for a soft buttery arc with maximum puddle control and good wetting action. Sine wave is for customers that like a traditional arc. It is quiet with good wetting. Triangular wave reduces the heat input and is good on thin aluminum. It provides fast travel speeds.


  • (1) Water cooled thread lock torch adapter for #18 or #20 torches
  • Dynasty 800


  • Precision Fabrication
  • Heavy Fabrication
  • Pipe And Tube Fabrication
  • Aerospace
  • Aluminum Ship Repair
  • Anodized Aluminum Fabrication

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Trade Name Dynasty 800
Input AC Voltage 208 V
Input AC Voltage 600 V
Process TIG (GTAW)
Process Pulsed TIG (GTAW-P)
Process Stick (SMAW)
Process Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A)
Output Current AC/DC
Phase 1 or 3 Phase
Hz 50/60 Hz
Output DC Amps Max 800 A
Output AC Amps Max 800 A