Miller Maxstar 400 TIG Welder With 208 - 575 Input Voltage, 400 Amp Max Output, Coolmate 3.5 Coolant System, Hot Start, Blue Lightning, Auto-Line Technology, Cooler-On-Demand And Running Cart

SKU: MIL907716
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Regular price$12,306.93


Item Details:

Miller Maxstar 400 208-575 V - 400 208-575 V


  • DC TIG Features:
  • Exceptionally smooth and precise arc for welding exotic materials.
  • High-speed DC TIG pulse controls: Pulse frequency capable of pulsing 5000 pulses per second.
  • Pulsing adds arc stability, reduces heat input and warpage and can increase travel speeds.
  • Other parameters include peak amperage, peak time and background amperage.
  • (DC) Tailored Arc Control (DIG): Allows the arc characteristics to be changed for specific applications and electrodes. Smooth running 7018 or stiffer, more penetrating 6010.
  • Hot Start™ Adaptive Control: Provides positive arc starts without sticking.
  • Blue Lightning™ High Frequency Arc Starter: For more consistent non-contact starts and greater reliability compared to traditional HF arc starters.
  • Program memory features 9 independent program memories that maintain/save your parameters.
  • Cooler Power Supply (CPS): An integrated 120 volt dedicated-use receptacle to power the Coolmate™ 3.5. The power switch on the Dynasty also activates the receptacle to help prevent torch failure. Allows meters to be calibrated for certification.
  • Auto-Line™ Power Management Technology: Allows for any input voltage hookup (208 - 575 V) with no manual linking, providing convenience in any job setting.
  • Ideal solution for dirty or unreliable power.
  • Upgradeable and Expandable: Front panel memory card data port provides the ability to easily upgrade software and expand product features.
  • Cooler-On-Demand™: Feature operates the auxiliary cooling system only when needed, reducing noise, energy use, and airborne contaminants pulled through the cooler.


  • Max Open Circuit Voltage - 75 VDC


  • Maxstar 400
  • 8 ft. (2.4 m) Primary Cord
  • Adjustable Shoulder Strap
  • (2) 50 mm Dinse-style Connectors


  • Aerospace
  • Construction
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Manufacturing
  • Infrastructure
  • Railcar
  • Shipbuilding
  • Boat/Yacht
  • High Purity Processing

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Trade Name Maxstar
Trade Name Maxstar 400
Input AC Voltage 208 V
Input AC Voltage 220 V
Input AC Voltage 230 V
Input AC Voltage 240 V
Input AC Voltage 380 V
Input AC Voltage 400 V
Input AC Voltage 460 V
Input AC Voltage 480 V
Input AC Voltage 575 V
Process DC TIG (GTAW)
Process Stick (SMAW)
Process Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A) Cutting and Gouging
Process TIG (GTAW)
Process Pulsed TIG (GTAW-P)
Output Current DC - CC
Phase 1 or 3 Phase
Hz 50/60 Hz
Weight 135 lb
Physical Size 22" X 13.75" X 24.5"
Duty Cycle 300 Amps @ 32 Volt
Duty Cycle 60% Duty Cycle
Output DC Amps Max 400 A