MSA TransAire™ 5 Minute Escape Respirator Assembly renders protection in deadly atmospheres having toxic gases or vapors or oxygen deficiency by offering emergency air. It provides 5 min standard air flow supply and features one control operation for a swift exit. It contains fog-reducing hoods in urethane or Teflon that fits over eyeglasses and facial hair and the lightweight design of the respirator facilitates easy egress from tight spaces. It comes in a high-density polyethylene carrying case and the nylon cloth carrier can be worn on the waist, neck or shoulder. Assembly contains an aluminum cylinder, carrier, hood tube and a hood assembly.
- Cylinder, carrier, hood tube and hood assembly
- Pressurized to 2216 psig
- Deliver 40 lpm flow rate
Product Attributes
Product Type
» Escape RespiratorRespirator Type
» TransAire® 5 Escape RespiratorStyle
» TransAire™