MSA Galaxy GX2 ALTAIR® 4/4X Calibration Station

SKU: MSA10128641
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Regular price$4,000.47


MSA ALTAIR® Galaxy® GX2 Automated Test System for ALTAIR 4/ALTAIR 4X, 4 Valve is designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind. System features an intuitive color touch screen for easy setup and viewing. Advanced MSA Link Pro software allows users to analyze all data at any time. Dashboard provide alerts on all conditions, gas calibrations and maintenance information. Data logging capabilities allow worksite safety managers effectively and efficiently organize all data obtained throughout the entire gas detection fleet. It features advanced MSA X-Cell Sensor technology that has a long life, quick bump test, fast calibration and less clear times. System includes pre-configured plugs, barbs, fresh air filters, spare parts kit, power supply and plug, Ethernet cable and screen protector.

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Product Type Calibration Station
Trade Name Galaxy GX2, ALTAIR® 4/4X