SKU: 1197
2 reviews

Regular price$46.50


Solar powered flare sits on top of a rubber traffic safety cone.  Charge it all day in the sunlight and in low light it will automatically start to strobe and warn of potential danger.

May also be mounted to any vertical or horizontal structure using the included mounting bracket.

  • 4 Red LED flashing lights are visible up to 1640 ft.
  • Large solar charging panel
  • ON/OFF switch lets you turn it off when stored in a dark place so it does not deplete stored battery power
  • Weatherproof
  • Meets MUTCD
  • Includes two-way mounting bracket
  • Will not fit on top of our Collapsible Safety Cones

Applications:  mount to walls, barricades, rubber traffic cones, signs and poles.  Use during road construction and signal safety hazards on build sites, in warehouses, airports, etc.